Image: infant


The person depicted is a model used for illustrative
purposes only.

Safety and effectiveness of MENVEO 1-vial presentation in children younger than 10 years of age have not been established.

MENVEO 2-vial presentation is the only MenACWY vaccine approved for use in the US for infants as young as 2 months of age1-3

Vaccination may not protect all recipients.

Image: infant


Safety and effectiveness of MENVEO 1-vial presentation in children younger than 10 years of age have not been established.

MENVEO 2-vial presentation is the only MenACWY vaccine approved for use in the US for infants as young as 2 months of age1-3

Vaccination may not protect all recipients.

The person depicted is a model used for illustrative purposes only.

Most infants who completed the 4-dose series had a protective immune response with MENVEO 2-vial presentation1:

  • The primary endpoint for MENVEO 2-vial presentation (adequacy of immune response) was met following the full 4-dose series, given at 2, 4, 6, and 12 months of age*

Bactericidal Antibody Response Rates Post-Dose 3 and Post-Dose 4 in Children 2 Months Through 12 Months of Age1

MENVEO 2-vial presentation: Bactericidal Antibody Response Rates Post-Dose 3 and Post-Dose 4 in Children 2 Months Through 12 Months of Age MENVEO 2-vial presentation
MENVEO 2-vial presentation: Bactericidal Antibody Response Rates Post-Dose 3 and Post-Dose 4 in Children 2 Months Through 12 Months of Age MENVEO 2-vial presentation

Prespecified criteria for adequacy of immune response were met (lower limit of the 2-sided 95% CI ≥80% for serogroup A and ≥85% for serogroups C, W-135, and Y).1

GMTs are a measure of the level of immune response to a vaccine in a specific study group. Infants and toddlers vaccinated with MENVEO 2-vial presentation were found to have circulating bactericidal antibodies to meningitis ACWY (MenACWY) following the full 4-dose series.1

GMTs Post-Dose 3 and Post-Dose 4 in Children 2 Months Through 12 Months of Age1,†

MENVEO 2-vial presentation: GMTs Post-Dose 3 and Post-Dose 4 in Children 2 Months Through 12 Months of Age
MENVEO 2-vial presentation: GMTs Post-Dose 3 and Post-Dose 4 in Children 2 Months Through 12 Months of Age

hSBA GMTs at 1 month post-Dose 3 and 1 month post-Dose 4 of MENVEO with routine infant/toddler vaccines.

Randomized, controlled, multicenter study of infants initiating vaccination at 2 months of age with either MENVEO 2-vial presentation concomitantly with routine infant vaccines (diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid, and acellular pertussis, inactivated poliovirus types 1, 2, and 3, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae  type b, pentavalent rotavirus, and 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate [PCV7]) or routine infant vaccines alone. Toddlers received the fourth dose of MENVEO 2-vial presentation concomitantly with PCV7, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and inactivated hepatitis A vaccines.1

Vaccination may not protect all recipients.

CI=confidence interval; GMT=geometric mean titer; hSBA=human serum bactericidal assay.